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Sorocaba  is a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

Habitants: 629,231

Area: 456 km²

Currency: Real


- 92 km away from the state capital, São Paulo city - 1.5 hour by bus;

- Everything a big city has and low cost of living;

- 14 universities/colleges;

- Second largest cycling loop of Brazil, after Rio de Janeiro;

- Public bike system;

- 3% Unemployment;

- 80 000 jobs created in the last 8 years;

- One Technology Park and Business Incubators;

- 20 urban parks;

- The basic infrastructure services are among the best in the country;
- 6 private hospitals, 6 philanthropic hospitals and 2 public hospitals;
- The temperature is between 17º C and 28º C.

- 5 malls




Sorocaba has more than 45,000 students!


It counts with 5 Universities and 9 Colleges, like:

- UFSCar (Federal University of Sao Carlos);






- Faculdade Ipanema.




Night-clubs also offer many entertainment options, according to costumers'age and musical preference varying from: eletronic, brazilian rhythm, rock, pop and others.


Also there is a lot of  university parties you can not miss!


Sorocaba Restaurants offer almost all of the world cuisine serving German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and Argentinean, not to mention Brazilian typical dishes.






Sorocaba has a soccer team called Atletico Sorocaba.

They play in the Campeonato Paulista league, the most importante league in the state of Sao Paulo.


Also there is many places to play soccer, skate, run, workout, etc.





Sorocaba has over 20 parks where you can stroll, walk or rest.


They are located in different places of the city, and we recommend you visit the following:

- Parque Zoológico Municipal ( a well-known zoo!);

- Parque Natural dos Esportes "Chico Mendes"

- Parque da Biquinha; 

- Parque da Água Vermelha "João Câncio Pereira"

And many others!


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